Friday, October 19, 2012

What's Happening with our Preschoolers?

Our Explorers and Backpackers are talking about the life of David in their Kids Kanyon classes in the months of October and November.  The Explorers are making a large book that they add to each week telling the story of David.  You should check out their work in the Playtown room.  :-)  The children in our preschool classes have brains that are developing so quickly and we want to place in their little minds and hearts a love for Jesus that is never extinguished.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We are Individuals!!

October has been an exciting month in Kids Kanyon!  In our Adventurers and Trailblazers classes we are talking about how we are individuals and how God can use our stories to make a difference.  Stop by the Rock Star Room to see self-portraits, descriptions of our stories and a poem that is made up of words that make us all individuals.  Parents be sure to pick up the parent information sheet outside of the Rock Star room so you can talk about what we are doing in Kids Kanyon at home.