Friday, October 19, 2012

What's Happening with our Preschoolers?

Our Explorers and Backpackers are talking about the life of David in their Kids Kanyon classes in the months of October and November.  The Explorers are making a large book that they add to each week telling the story of David.  You should check out their work in the Playtown room.  :-)  The children in our preschool classes have brains that are developing so quickly and we want to place in their little minds and hearts a love for Jesus that is never extinguished.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We are Individuals!!

October has been an exciting month in Kids Kanyon!  In our Adventurers and Trailblazers classes we are talking about how we are individuals and how God can use our stories to make a difference.  Stop by the Rock Star Room to see self-portraits, descriptions of our stories and a poem that is made up of words that make us all individuals.  Parents be sure to pick up the parent information sheet outside of the Rock Star room so you can talk about what we are doing in Kids Kanyon at home.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Graduation Date!!!

Lots of questions have been asked about when children graduate from their current class and move to the next one.  The GRADUATION DATE for 2012 is August 19th.  At that time, everyone will move to their new classes!!

I know all the Rangers and Guides are looking forward to seeing new faces in their classes!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's July!!!

It is July and that means a new theme in Kids Kanyon.  Each month our kids learn a new virtue and Bible stories that illustrates that virtue.

In our school aged classes, the Adventurers, Trailblazers and 4th and 5th grade classes, the virtue for the month of July is LOVE: Choosing to give your time and friendship no matter what.  The kids will be working on a memory verse from Matthew 22:39-Love your neighbor as yourself.

In our preschool classes, the Cubbies, Backpackers and Explorers, the basic truth for the month is GOD MADE US and the Bottom is GOD MAKES GOOD THINGS.  They will be continuing to learn the story of creation and all the things God made.

There are lots of ideas for parents and families to inplement these monthly virtues and themes at home.  These are outlined on the handouts located right outside the classroom doors.  Please feel free to pick one up and I'd love to hear how some of the activities went at home.

Happy July!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welcome AND Recess Week 1

Hello Everyone!  Welcome to the inaugural post on the Kids Kanyon Blog.  This blog highlights all things related to the Children's Ministry at Living Stones Church (the best church in the world.)

There have been big things happening at LSC this week.  We kicked off our RECESS Summer Day Camp this week.  RECESS is an 8 week summer day camp for the kids who attend Monroe Primary Center and/or live in the Miami Hills Apartment Complex.  About 70 kids have been on our property this week and have experienced lots of exciting things, many of which centered around our faith theme for the week "God Loves You."

Some of the things that we experienced this week include:

*Planting grass seed and blowing up soap in the microwave
*Tye-dying t-shirts
*Writing on the walls of the church building
*Meeting special guests such as the puppet Gary the Giraffe, the mad scientist Dr Beaker-Proton, and the wannabe TV chef Peela Bean.
*Some rocking worship and music
*Playing fun games
*Spending lots of time cooling off in the water
*Eating some amazingly delicious food prepared by Michelle Walding, Rochelle Suski and Ericka Williams.  The BBQ Pork Sandwiches were the highlight of the week.
 *Getting "loved on" by the BEST staff and volunteers.  Meredith Waltman is doing an AMAZING job as camp director.  Dwayne Walding, Kelsey Crago, Buffy Gerndt, Melissa Holstein, Kristin LaFollette, Justin Samson, and Josh Silk are a great staff team.

If you haven't volunteered for RECESS, you still can by going here.  You don't want to miss the fun this summer.  Whether you can give a day, week or the whole summer, we would love to have you!!

You can also check out some photos from RECESS on our Facebook page.

Here's to a great first week!  Looking forward to 7 more AWESOME weeks!